Chris McCarty's Extreme Fitness with P90X!

Look at the photo to the far left.   I was that person for 10 years.   I am changing all that now.   I do not contend to have ALL the answers, but from what I have learned about fitness and nutrition over the past year, I know that I can help you.   Are you ready to change that person you see in the mirror?   If so: 

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What we see in the mirror . . .

I have thought a lot about this recently, as I have now lost 21 pounds in 67 days on  P90X.  

Are we able to fool ourselves when we look in the mirror?  I was 50 pounds overweight for the past 10 years.  I would still like to get down in the 160's, but I'm pleased with my progress so far.

However, for the past 10 years I would look in the mirror and convince myself that what I saw wasn't too bad.  But let me assure you I'm not talking about accepting myself or feeling comfortable in my own skin type of thing here. 

I KNEW I was over what i should weigh and I have wanted to lose weight for a long time.   It's just that I would stand in front of the mirror and say "that doesn't look too bad".   Every once and a while I would catch a glimpse from the side and that is where reality would set in.  I was very round in the middle.  I have broad shoulders, which is why from the front it looked "ok" and everyone always said "you don't need to lose weight".  Well I did. 

Why do I bring this up?  Well, technically I am still 25 to 30 pounds over my ideal weight.  Things look a whole lot better in the mirror, but it still fools me, which is why I don't want to rely on what I see in the mirror.   I want to keep pushing forward with the program and for life in attaining that healthy weight.   So it is not just a question of "do I think I look good" but "do I feel good" as well. 

We all want to be pleased with what we see in the mirror.  We do.  I also want to make sure that I see health.   

Wishing you all a great week.


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